Exoplanet technology research is funded through the Strategic Astrophysics Technology (SAT) component of NASA ROSES - information can be found on the NASA NSPIRES website. Prior to the 2018 SAT solicitation, a sub-component of SAT was called Technology Development for Exoplanet Missions (TDEM). Beginning with the 2018 solicitation, there is a single SAT program but exoplanet technology development SAT awards are managed by the ExEP as before. Awards from solicitations from 2009 through 2017 are listed below, including links to the abstracts of the original proposals, to Milestone Whitepapers, and Final Reports, where available.
Please refer here for information on ExEP Resources Available to Proposers to SAT, including access to the High Contrast Imaging Testbed laboratory for coronagraph demonstrations.
Download templates: Whitepaper | Final Report
Download milestone process: Milestone Process
Year |
PI |
Institution |
Proposal Title |
2009 |
John Trauger |
JPL/Caltech |
Advanced Hybrid Lyot Coronagraph Technology for Exoplanet Missions |
2009 |
Olivier Guyon |
Univ. of Arizona |
Phase-Induced Amplitude Apodization Coronagraphy Development and Laboratory Validation |
2009 |
Mark Clampin |
Visible Nulling Coronagraph Technology Maturation: High Contrast Imaging and Characterization of Exoplanets |
2010 |
Eugene Serabyn |
JPL/Caltech |
Demonstrations of Deep Starlight Rejection with a Vortex Coronagraph |
2010 |
Olivier Guyon |
Univ. of Arizona |
Advances in Pupil Remapping (PIAA) coronagraphy: improving Bandwidth, Throughput and Inner Working Angle |
2010 |
Rick Lyon |
Compact Achromatic Visible Nulling Coronagraph Technology Maturation |
2010 |
Jagmit Sandhu |
JPL/Caltech |
Visible Nulling Coronagraph (VNC) Technology Demonstration Program |
2010 ** |
Glenn Schneider |
Univ. of Arizona |
EXCEDE PIAA Coronagraph Contrast Demonstration |
2013 |
Brian Hicks |
Nulling of an Actively-Controlled Segmented Aperture Telescope |
2014 |
Eugene Serabyn |
JPL/Caltech |
Broadband Light Rejection with the Optical Vortex Coronagraph |
2016 |
John Trauger |
Super Lyot ExoEarth Coronagraph |
2016 |
Ruslan Belikov |
Laboratory Demonstration of High Contrast Using PIAACMC on a Segmented Aperture |
2016 |
Ruslan Belikov* |
Development of a Method for Exoplanet Imaging in Multi-Star Systems |
2017 |
Remi Soummer |
First System-level Demonstration of High-Contrast for Future Segmented Space Telescopes |
2017 |
Eugene Serabyn |
Vortex Coronagraph High Contrast Demonstrations |
2018 |
Ruslan Belikov* |
Laboratory Demonstration of Multi-Star Wavefront Control in Vacuum |
2018 |
Dimitri Mawet |
California Institute of Technology |
Optimal Spectrograph and Wavefront Control Architectures for High-contrast Exoplanet Characterization |
2021 |
Kent Wallace |
Dual-purpose coronagraph masks for enabling high-contrast imaging with an IR/O/UV flagship mission |
2022 |
AJ Riggs |
JPL/Caltech |
Laboratory Demonstrations of High Contrast with Black Silicon Masks |
2023 |
Eugene Serabyn |
JPL/Caltech |
Optical Vortex Phase Mask Development and Testing |
2023 |
Kyle Van Gorkom |
University of Arizona |
Technology development in UV coronagraphy to enable characterization of Earth-like exoplanets |
2023 |
Laurent Pueyo |
Space Telescope Science Institute |
Laboratory Demonstration of High Contrast Using PAPLC with High-Order Wavefront Sensor |
2009 |
Jeremy Kasdin |
Princeton University |
Starshades for Exoplanet Imaging and Characterization: Key Technology Development |
2010 |
Jeremy Kasdin |
Princeton University |
Verifying Deployment Tolerances of an External Occulter for Starlight Suppression |
2012 |
Suzanne Casement |
Northrop Grumman Aerospace Systems |
Starshade Stray Light Mitigation through Edge Scatter Modeling and Sharp-Edge Materials Development |
2012 |
Tiffany Glassman |
Northrop Grumman Aerospace Systems |
Demonstration of Starshade Starlight-Suppression Performance in the Field |
2012 |
Jeremy |
Princeton University |
Optical and Mechanical Verification of an External Occulter for Starlight Suppression |
2013 |
Jeremy |
Princeton University |
Formation Flying for External Occulters |
2013 |
Webster Cash |
University Of Colorado, Boulder |
Development of Formation Flying Sensors |
2014 |
Mark |
Optical Shield for the Starshade Inner Disc Subsystem |
2022 |
Manan Arya |
Stanford University |
Starshade Petal Fabrication and Accuracy Demonstration at Full-Scale for IROUV Great Observatory |
2009 |
Martin Noecker |
Ball Aerospace |
Advanced Speckle Sensing for Internal Coronagraphs and Methods of Isolating Exoplanets from Speckles |
2010 |
Jeremy Kasdin |
Princeton University |
Integrated Coronagraph Design and Wavefront Control using Two Deformable Mirrors |
2010 |
Paul Bierden |
Boston Micromachines Inc. |
MEMS Deformable Mirror Technology Development for Space-Based Exoplanet Detection |
2010 |
Michael Helmbrecht |
Iris AO |
Environmental Testing of MEMS Deformable Mirrors for Exoplanet Detection |
2017 |
Olivier Guyon |
University of Arizona |
Linear Wavefront Control for High Contrast Imaging |
2021 |
Kerri Cahoy |
Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Adaptive High-order Wavefront Control Algorithms for High-contrast Imaging on the Decadal Survey Testbed |
2022 |
Olivier Guyon |
University of Arizona |
Robust Deep Contrast Imaging with Self-Calibrating Coronagraph Systems
2022 |
Jonathan Tesch |
JPL/Caltech |
Demonstration of Advanced Wavefront Control for Segmented Aperture Telescopes
2022 |
John Trauger |
JPL/Caltech |
A Low-order Hardware Implementation for Sensing and Control in Exoplanet Imaging
2023 |
Timothy Cook |
University Of Massachusetts, Lowell |
A Novel Asynchronous Integrating Latching (NAIL) controller for MEMS deformable mirrors |
2009 |
John Krist |
JPL/Caltech |
Assessing the Performance Limits of Internal Coronagraphs Through End-to-End Modeling |
2010 |
Stuart Shaklan |
JPL/Caltech |
Coronagraph Starlight Suppression Model Validation: Coronagraph Milestone Report #3A |
2015 |
Jim Breckinridge |
University of Arizona |
Threshold raw retrieved contrast in coronagraphs is limited by internal polarization |
2018 |
Stephanie Leifer |
JPL/Caltech |
A Novel Optical Etalon for Precision Radial Velocity Measurements |
2009 |
Donald Figer |
Rochester Inst. Tech. |
A Photon-Counting Detector for Exoplanet Missions |
2013 |
Eduardo Bendek |
Enhanced direct Imaging exoplanet detection with astrometric mass determination |
2017 |
Bernard Rauscher* |
Radiation Tolerant, Photon Counting, Visible and Near-IR Detectors for Space Coronagraphs and Starshades |
2018 |
Johannes Staguhn |
Johns Hopkins University / NASA GSFC |
Development of an Ultra-Stable Mid-Infrared Detector Array for Space-Based Exoplanet Transit Spectroscopy |
2022 |
Colleen Marrese-Reading |
JPL/Caltech |
Colloid Thruster Life Testing and Modeling |
2023 |
Felipe Guzman |
University Of Arizona |
Thermo-Optical Metrology for Exoplanet observatories |
2023 |
Johannes Staguhn |
Johns Hopkins University |
Demonstration of an HgCdTe
Detector-Based Ultra-Stable Mid- Infrared Spectrometer for Transit Spectroscopy and Phase Curve Observations of Habitable Planets Around M-Stars |
* Funded by directed work package from NASA HQ (not SAT)
** Funded by the NASA Explorer program (not SAT) with a Category 3 award from NASA HQ (contract NNX12AH39G)
*** Re-programmed to the Starshade Technology Activity (S5).