ExoPAG 29

Science Symposium Abstracts
NASA's Exoplanet Program Analysis Group (ExoPAG) and NASA's Exoplanet Exploration Program (ExEP) Office invites early career scientists, postdocs and graduate students to consider presenting at the hybrid ExoPAG meeting. We are particularly interested in attendance and presentations by postdocs and graduate students from diverse backgrounds.
As the ultimate users of future NASA facilities, early career scientists are encouraged to attend the ExoPAG meetings to:
- Share their work with a broad audience of scientists, technologists, and program managers;
- Learn about NASA's strategic goals and plans, and learn how to impact them through ExoPAG activities.
Finding and characterizing earth-like planets around nearby stars is one of NASA’s primary scientific goals. ExoPAG helps NASA assess the current and upcoming state of exoplanet science toward the goal of enabling future exoplanet missions relevant to NASA's strategic goals.
The application for early career talks is now closed.
The deadline for submissions was November 2nd, 2023 8:00pm ET/ 5:00pm PT.
Selections will be made and applicants will be notified mid-November, 2023.
- Graduate students must be enrolled at a university at the time of the conference or the semester immediately before the conference (if during break);
- Early career scientists must complete the speaker application, including an abstract of their proposed talk prior to the posted deadline.
Focus of proposed ExoPAG 29 talks
The presentations for early career scientists, postdocs and graduate students will have a focus on system architectures such as planetary architectures and what they suggest about planet migration or evolution theories. Proposed contributions can also address one of the topics outlined in the ExEP Science Gap List 2023.
ExoPAG talks should be tailored to address NASA’s exoplanet program, including Kepler/K2, TESS, JWST, Roman Space Telescope, as well as other missions; NASA’s exoplanet ground support efforts such as Keck, LBTI, IRTF, and NN-EXPLORE; mission concept studies such as OST, LUVOIR, HabEx and Lynx; and general data archiving, follow-up organization, and tool development related to exoplanet research and missions at the NASA Exoplanet Science Institute
Travel reimbursement
Early career scientists who are requesting travel reimbursement should wait until they have been notified of their selection prior to making travel arrangements or paying registration fees. Failure to comply with this may prohibit reimbursement. Selected postdocs and graduate students will be contacted by the the ExEP office to make travel arrangements after selection announcements have been made.
Reimbursable travel expenses may consist of roundtrip airfare, lodging, car rental, per diem and conference registration based on approved government rates.
For questions regarding early career proposed talks, please contact student-travel@jpl.nasa.gov.