The NASA-NSF partnership has established an exoplanet-related Guest Observer research program on the WIYN telescope at Pitt Peak, on MINERVA-Australis at Mt. Kent in Australia, and on SMARTS-1.5m/CHIRON at Cerro Tololo Interamerican Observatory in Chile. Calls for proposals are issued by NOIRLab and due on the normal semester schedule - Deadlines are generally the last day in September for the following “A” semester (February 1 – July 31) and the last day in March for the following “B” semester (August 1 – January 31).
Proposal submission information can be found at the NOIRLab site. Please search for the section on NN-EXPLORE for specific instruction applicable to the program. NASA provides modest funding to PIs that receive time in WIYN telescope to cover partial cost of conference travel, data analysis and publication.
• See the NOIRLab Schedule for approved programs.
• Selected proposals pre-2022B: 2022A, 2021B, 2021A, 2020B, 2020A, 2019B, 2019A, 2018B, 2018A, 2017B, 2017A, 2016B, 2016A, 2015B