Guest Observer Program
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While the state-of-the-art spectrometer is being developed, the NASA-NSF partnership has established an exoplanet-related Guest Observer research program on the WIYN telescope including existing instrumentation at WIYN. Call for proposals are issued by NOAO and due on the normal semester schedule - Deadlines are the last day in September for the following “A” semester (February 1 – July 31) and the last day in March for the following “B” semester (August 1 – January 31). Proposal submission information can be found at NASA plans to provide modest funding to selected PIs to cover partial cost of travel, observation, data analysis and publication.
• Call for NASA Exoplanet GO Proposals
• WIYN schedule for approved programs
• Selected proposals pre-2022B: 2022A, 2021B (below), 2021A, 2020B, 2020A, 2019B, 2019A, 2018B, 2018A, 2017B, 2017A, 2016B, 2016A, 2015B
2021B GO Awards
# | PI | Institution | Instrument | Title |
1 | Corey Beard | University of California, Irvine | NEID | Characterizing a Young, Nearby Multi-Planet System with NEID and TESS |
2 | Corey Beard | University of California, Irvine | NEID | Simultaneous Observations of Kepler Objects With TESS and NEID |
3 | Lynn Carter | University of Arizona | NEID | High-resolution spectroscopy of Venus\s mysterious ultraviolet absorber |
4 | Paul Wilson Cauley | University of Colorado at Boulder | NEID | KELT-20 b: an ultra-hot Jupiter with retrograde spin? |
5 | Jiayin Dong | Pennsylvania State University | NEID | Mass Measurements of the Young Giant Planet TOI-1268b |
6 | Lauren Doyle | University of Warwick | NEID | Characterising star-planet architectures and stellar variability with NEID observations |
7 | Shubham Kanodia | Pennsylvania State University | NEID | Exploring the M dwarf exoplanet Mass-Radius Relationship with NEID and TESS |
8 | Andrea Lin | Pennsylvania State University | NEID | Searching for Nearby Exoplanets Around K-dwarfs with NEID |
9 | Jack Lubin | University of California - Irvine | NEID | Rossiter-McLaughlin Measurements of a Transiting Terrestrial Planet orbiting HD 219134 |
10 | Suvrath Mahadevan | Pennsylvania State University | NEID | NEID GTO |
11 | Larissa Nofi | Aerospace Corporation | NEID | Characterization of RV Scatter in Pre-Main Sequence Systems |
12 | Sam Quinn | Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics | NEID | The hottest rocky planet from TESS |
13 | Paul Robertson | University of California - Irvine | NEID | Multi-Wavelength Doppler Spectroscopy of M dwarfs with Bright Starspots |
14 | Arpita Roy | Space Telescope Science Institute | NEID | Benchmarking (epsilon) Eridani: Planet Searches in the Realm of Detailed Chromatic Activity Characterization |
15 | Angelle Tanner | Mississippi State University | NEID | Radial Velocity Follow Up of Exoplanet Candidates Orbiting Cool Low Mass Stars Identified With TESS |
16 | Shreyas Vissapragada | California Institute of Technology | NEID | The Atmospheric and Dynamical Evolution of a Sub-Neptune Progenitor |
17 | Shreyas Vissapragada | California Institute of Technology | NEID | What is the Mass-Loss Rate of the Tidally-Decaying Hot Jupiter WASP-12b? |
18 | Duncan Wright | University of Queensland | NEID | Resolving stellar activity surface features of quiescent stars with eclipsing binaries |
19 | Samuel Yee | Princeton University | NEID | The TESS Grand Unified Hot Jupiter Survey |
20 | Brendan Bowler | University of Texas at Austin | Other | Substellar Companions and Dynamical Masses from Accelerating Stars |
21 | Kyle Franson | University of Texas at Austin | Other | Optimizing Target Selection of Direct Imaging Planet Campaigns using Accelerating Stars |
22 | Arvind Gupta | Pennsylvania State University | Other | Radial Velocity Follow-up Observations of TESS Single-Transit Planet Candidates |
23 | Steve Howell | NASA Ames | Other | Validation and Characterization of TESS Exoplanets with High Resolution Speckle Imagings |
24 | Adam Kraus | University of Texas at Austin | Other | Unveiling the Impact of Binary Stars on Planet Occurrence with Gaia |