ExoPAG Meeting Final Agenda (Jan. 7-8, Austin, TX)
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Saturday, Jan | Austin Convention Center, Rm. 9BC |
8:30 AM |
Introduction (Jim Kasting) |
8:45 |
Exoplanet Program update: (Doug Hudgins) |
9:15 |
SAG 1 report: Debris disks and exozodiacal dust (Aki Roberge) |
9:40 |
Update on LBTI (Phil Hinz) |
10:15 |
Break |
10:30 |
SAG 5 report: Direct imaging flagship mission science requirements (Charley Noecker/Tom Greene/Rafael Millan-Galbet) |
11:30 |
A revised TPF target list (Maggie Turnbull) |
12:00 |
Status of TDEM and coronagraphic testbeds (Peter Lawson) |
12.30 PM |
Lunch |
1:30 |
New thoughts on coronagraphs and occulters (Jeremy Kasdin) |
2:15 |
Vortex coronagraphs (Gene Serabyn) |
2:45 |
A new photon energy detector with possible applications to direct imaging of exoplanets (Ben Mazin, UCSB) |
3:15 |
Break |
3:30 |
Mission concept planning: Flagships and probes (Michael Devirian) |
5:00 |
Adjourn |
Sunday, |
Austin Convention Center, Rm. 9BC |
8:30 AM |
NASA’s Explorer Program: Funded exoplanet mission and mission development proposals (Doug Hudgins) |
8:45 |
The TESS mission (George Ricker) |
9:15 |
The FINESSE mission (Mark Swain) |
9:45 |
The EXCEDE mission (Glenn Schneider) |
10:15 |
Break |
10:30 |
Kepler update (Bill Borucki) |
11:15 |
NexSci: the NASA exoplanet data archive (Rachel Akeson) |
11:45 |
Report on exoplanet technology development (Web Cash) |
12:30 PM |
Lunch |
1:30 |
Joint meeting with COPAG (see below) |
3:30 |
Break |
3:45 |
Review of actions/plan forward (Devirian, Hudgins, Kasting) |
5:00 |
New business: Suggestions for future ExoPAG activities (All) |
5:30 |
Adjourn |
Joint ExoPAG/COPAG session
Sunday, Jan. 8, 1:30-3:30 PM This session will provide a chance to update each other’s scientific community on activities of interest to all of us. The current plan for discussion is as follows:1:30 |
Optical/UV flagship mission requirements (Charley Noecker) |
2:00 | Linked Probe-class missions (Chris Martin) |
2:30 | Joint technology development possibilities (Chris Martin/Wes Traub) |
3:00 | Discussion (All) |
3:30 |
Return to individual PAG meetings |