Meeting Information | Agenda
NASA’s Exoplanet Exploration Program Analysis Group (ExoPAG) will hold its fifth meeting on January 7-8, 2012, just prior to the AAS meeting in Austin. ExoPAG meetings are always open to the astronomical community, and are an opportunity to learn about the Exoplanet Exploration Program (ExEP), and to participate in discussions of scientific and technical issues in exoplanet exploration.
Topics of interest will include plans for a future, space-based, flagship-class, direct imaging mission, along with discussion of possible Probe-class (<$1B) missions that might be proposed in the next decade if money for flagships is not available. The ExoPAG would also like to broaden the discussion to include other ways in which NASA might facilitate exoplanet research over the next few years. To this end, we invite suggestions for topics and/or speakers at our January meeting. Feel free to suggest yourself as a speaker if you have interesting ideas that you would like to share. The meeting will run for two full days, so there should be plenty of time for both presentations and discussion.
Please join us! We look forward to seeing you in Austin!