Upcoming RCN Events

EPRV & Machine Learning Workshop [On-line Only]

Tuesday June 11, 2024 : 8a - 11:30a Pacific Time

This workshop will focus on the synergies between EPRV and Machine Learning and consist of three segments: overview talks on EPRV and Machine Learning, science talks on current EPRV research efforts that leverage ML techniques, and a discussion panel on promising future directions in this area.

We’ve got a fantastic set of speakers and panelists lined up for this workshop with experts from both the EPRV and ML worlds, so tune in and hear about current efforts and future possibilities

Previous RCN Events

EPRV Survey Design Meeting [On-line Only]

Monday December 18th, 2023 : 8a - 12p Pacific Time

The RCN will host an on-line meeting focused on the current state of the art and future aspirations for EPRV survey design. The meeting will consist of a mixture of invited review presentations, panel discussion, and contributed talks. If you would like to propose a talk or discussion panel, please submit an application using this Google Form by Thursday November 16th.

A full agenda for the meeting, including connection details, will follow in late November.

EPRV Splinter Session at AAS [In-person and On-line]

Tuesday January 9, 2024 : 9a - 11a Central Time [11a - 1p Pacific Time]

The RCN will host a splinter session at AAS 243 in New Orleans, Louisiana. The session will feature talks from the new set of EPRV Foundation Science ROSES PIs as well as updates from the RCN and recent EPRV instruments.

A full agenda for the meeting, including connection details, will follow in late December.

EPRV 5 Coworking Day

March 31st, 2023

The RCN is planning to host a collaborative workspace the day after the EPRV 5 conference wraps up (Friday, March 31st) at the same hotel. Conference attendees are invited to take advantage of having so many EPRV community members in the same place and to use this space at the hotel to work with new or existing collaborators on new science ideas, proposals, group tag ups, etc. If you are interested in attending, please take ~1 minute to fill out this Google Form and let us know what kind of structure would be most useful / of interest to you.

Fall RCN Meeting
October 20th, 2022

A full recording of the seminar is available on the RCN Google Drive

Note: visit the Pyaneti wiki for instructions on how to install Pyaneti ahead of the meeting OR visit this Pyaneti wiki subpage for instructions on how to run the package from a Virtual Machine environment if you want to skip the local install process.
Both options should allow full participation in Oscar’s tutorial!

Agenda (PDF - with abstracts)

8:00 - 8:10 am Welcome and brief overview of the EPRV RCN
8:10 - 9 am Dawn Gelino (NExScI) & all RCN members Discussion on future
9:00 -9:10 am Yinan Zho
(Univ. of Geneva)
SOAP-GPU: Efficient Spectral Modelling of Stellar Activity Using Graphical Processing Units
9:10 - 9:20 am Sahar Shahaf
(Weizmann Institute of Science)
New Periodograms Separating Orbital Radial Velocities and Spectral Shape Variation
9:20 - 9:30 am Molly Kate Kreider (Univ. of Richmond) Modeling chromatic mode frequency shifts in astroetalons for high precision spectrograph calibration
9:30 - 9:40 am Khaled Al Moulla (Univ. of Geneva) Stellar signal components seen in HARPS and HARPS-N solar RVs
9:40 - 9:50 am Jennifer Burt (JPL) Working towards a coordinated, global survey of RV standards
9:50 - 10:00 am Coffee Break
10:00 - 11:00 am Oscar Barragan
(Univ. of Oxford)
Multidimensional Gaussian Processes applied to spectroscopic time series with pyaneti
11:00 am - 12:00 pm All participants EPRV networking

Extreme Precision RV Foundational Science Seminar
April 26th, 2022

This seminar featured the PIs from NASA’s 2021 ROSES call on ‘EPRV Foundation Science’ which focused on new pathways to mitigating stellar variability in (E)PRV data. Each speaker described the scope of their project and provided updates on their teams progress in the first year+ of effort. You will find more details below, including the program schedule, presentation abstracts, and connection information.

A full recording of the seminar is available on the RCN Google Drive

Agenda (PDF - with abstracts)

10:00 - 10:10 am Welcome and brief overview of the EPRV RCN
10:10 - 10:35 am Irina Kitiashvili
(NASA Ames Research Center)
Characterization of Stellar Jitter Using 3D Realistic Modeling of Solar-Type Stars
10:35 - 11:00 am Drake Deming
(Univ. of Maryland, College Park)
Orthogonal Spectroscopy for Detection of Rocky Exoplanets
11:00 - 11:25 am Zoe de Beurs
The Future of Using Machine Learning to Model Stellar Activity in RV Searches
11:25 - 11:50 am Ryan Terrien
(Carleton College)
Disentangling RVs and magnetic activity at very high resolution with laser heterodyne spectroscopy
11:50 - 12:00 pm Break
12:00 - 12:25 pm Steve Saar
(Harvard Smithsonian | CfA)
The Importance of Some Lesser-Known Magnetic Effects on Stellar RVs, and Some Ideas to Mitigate Them
12:25 - 12:50 pm Virisha Timmaraju
Measuring Extreme Precision Radial Velocities of Exoplanet-Hosting Stars in the Presence of Stellar Noise With Deep Learning
12:50 - 1:15 pm Eric Ford
(Penn State)
NEID Sun-as-a-star Observations & Establishing Credibility of EPRV Exoplanet Detections
1:15 - 1:40 pm Rachael Roettenbacher
Disentangling Stellar and Planetary Signatures with Interferometric Images and Extreme Precision Radial Velocities
1:40 - 2:00 pm Group Discussion