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Exoplanet Exploration
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Exoplanet Watch Results
Exoplanet Watch Results
Year in Review: Top 5 exoplanet moments of 2015
Exoplanets are renamed after heroes and legends
The nearest potentially habitable planet to Earth
NASA space telescopes solve missing water mystery on exoplanets
Needle in a stack of needles
The big pretenders: Half of Kepler's giant exoplanet candidates are false positives
Be thankful this star isn't your neighbor
Baby pictures: The first photos of a planet being born
Stripped: The untold story of the almost-Earth
5400mph winds discovered hurtling around planet outside solar system
Professor proposes a new definition for 'planets'
Happy anniversary, Osiris
Call for 2016 ExoPAG Executive Committee Nominations
These aren't the planets you're looking for
Cloudy with a chance of salt clouds
Shy giants
Stirred, not shaken: How pebbles become planets
Three's company: K2 discovery shows hot Jupiter has two planet friends
WFIRST-AFTA: Future planet finder
Kepler catches white dwarf cannibalizing tiny 'planet'
Most Earth-like worlds have yet to be born, according to theoretical study
Earth-like exoplanets may have magnetic fields capable of protecting life
Oxygen on exoplanets isn't proof of life
Seeing Earth as an exoplanet: space probe spots nitrogen
How to teach 'exoplanets' and the search for habitable worlds
Exoplanet snapshot: New imager captures young 'Jupiter'
Exoplanets 20/20: Looking back to the future
Telescopic duo finds Uranus-sized planet
NASA's Spitzer Confirms Closest Rocky Exoplanet
NASA’s Kepler mission discovers bigger, older cousin to Earth
Finding another Earth
Jupiter twin orbits a twin of our sun
NASA invites industry to share development ideas for WFIRST
Will the real ‘first exoplanet' please stand up?
NASA picks two teams to advance concept for precision planet hunter
Can planets be rejuvenated around dead stars?
A vast cloud--"The Behemoth"--trails a bleeding exoplanet
Living color: life on other worlds
Mars-size planet orbits distant star
Finding out what makes hot Jupiters tick
'Sunscreen' layer spotted on distant planet
Seeking life on other worlds? Check for volcanoes
Helium-shrouded planets may be common in our galaxy
Possible European Space Agency mission: surveying 500 exoplanet atmospheres
Small planets, circular orbits: a better chance for life
Earth-like planets more likely around Sun-like stars than red dwarfs
The weather on alien worlds: astrophysicists prepare forecasts for planets beyond our solar system
Kepler's six years In science (and counting): by the numbers
NASA’s NExSS coalition to lead search for life on distant worlds
Final Reports from the Probe-Scale Exoplanet Mission STDTs (Exo-S and Exo-C) released
WFIRST-AFTA 2015 Study Report Released
Four-fathers: New exoplanet discovery part of a quadruple-star system
Call for ExoPAG Executive Committee Nominations
Super-Saturn: astronomers find a massive ring system around an exoplanet
New discovery hints at possibility of (really) ancient Earths
LBTI hits the dusty trail of Earth-like planets
1k for Kepler
Cosmic crowdsourcing project marks millionth potential disk-overy
Exoplanet News
Stars and their planets make their own eclipses – important scientific tools for detecting and characterizing exoplanets.
That Starry Night Sky? It's Full of Eclipses
Two recently discovered exoplanets, gas giants possibly similar to Saturn, could be candidates for further atmospheric investigation.
Discovery Alert: a Long Year for a 'Cold Saturn'
A newly discovered 'super-Earth' dwells in the habitable zone of its parent star – and might have a roughly Earth-sized companion.
Discovery Alert: A 'Super-Earth' in the Habitable Zone
In a system with two known planets, astronomers spotted something new: a small object transiting across the Sun-sized star. This turned out to be another planet: extra hot and Earth-sized.
Discovery Alert: Earth-sized Planet Has a 'Lava Hemisphere'
Fifteen years ago, astronomers delivered what is now an iconic direct image of an exoplanet, Beta Pictoris b.
Seeing, Believing: 15 Years of Exoplanet Images
Six "sub-Neptunes" orbit their star in a kind of rhythmic dance – one easily set to music.
Discovery Alert: Watch the Synchronized Dance of a 6-Planet System
Scientists find that a glowing cloud that obscured a star was caused by a cataclysmic collision of two giant exoplanets.
Discovery Alert: Glowing Cloud Points to Cosmic Collision
A large, gaseous planet orbits a star that should have destroyed it.
Discovery Alert: The Planet that Shouldn't Be There
With the discovery of six new exoplanets, scientists have tipped the scales and surpassed 5,500 exoplanets found (there are now 5,502 known exoplanets, to be exact).
Discovery Alert: With Six New Worlds, 5,500 Discovery Milestone Passed!
Stars farther from the center of our galaxy possess fewer of the most common types of planets, a recent study shows.
Discovery Alert: On Our Galaxy's Outskirts, a Poverty of Planets
Scientists used the Webb Telescope identified water vapor in the atmosphere of WASP-18 b, and made a temperature map of the planet as it slipped behind, and reappeared from, its star.
Discovery Alert: Webb Maps and Finds Traces of Water in an Ultra-hot Gas Giant's Atmosphere
A team of astrophysicists and citizen scientists have identified what may be some of the last planets NASA’s retired Kepler space telescope observed during its nearly decade-long mission.
Astronomers Discover Planets in NASA Kepler's Final Days of Observations
Explore Alien Worlds
Exoplanet Travel Bureau
This set of travel posters envision a day when the creativity of scientists and engineers will allow us to do things we can only dream of now.
Strange New Worlds
Explore an interactive gallery of some of the most intriguing and exotic planets discovered so far.
Historic Timeline
A planetary tour through time. The ancients debated the existence of planets beyond our own; now we know of thousands.