This year's search for another Earth brought discoveries from the far-flung corners of the galaxy. This image shows the relative sizes of all of the habitable-zone planets discovered to date alongside Earth. Left to right: Kepler-22b, Kepler-69c, Kepler-62e, Kepler-62f and Earth (except for Earth, these are artists' concepts). Image credit: NASA Ames/JPL-Caltech

This year's search for another Earth brought discoveries from the far-flung corners of the galaxy. This image shows the relative sizes of all of the habitable-zone planets discovered to date alongside Earth. Left to right: Kepler-22b, Kepler-69c, Kepler-62e, Kepler-62f and Earth (except for Earth, these are artists' concepts). Image credit: NASA Ames/JPL-Caltech

Exoplanet exploration, or the search for planets outside our solar system. It's a field that often sounds mysterious, but seeks to answer an essentially simple question– are we alone in the universe? In 2015, the search for another Earth brought incredible discoveries along the way. We've listed five of the most important discoveries of 2015 as we count down to a new year, and new worlds.


Earth's Bigger, Older Cousin– Kepler-452b