NASA's Exoplanet Exploration Program Analysis Group (ExoPAG) will hold its tenth meeting on Friday, June 6, 2014, just after the 224th Meeting of the American Astronomical Society, in Boston, MA. ExoPAG meetings are open to the entire scientific community, and offer an opportunity to participate in discussions of scientific and technical issues in exoplanet exploration, and to provide input into NASA's Exoplanet Exploration Program (ExEP). All interested members of the astronomical and planetary science communities are invited to attend and participate. ExoPAG-10 will continue to focus on soliciting input from the wider exoplanet community on ways in which NASA might facilitate exoplanet research over the next few years, as well as input on how it should prioritize its ExEP activities. Suggestions for topics and/or speakers at the meeting along these lines are welcome. There will be reports from the active Study Analysis Groups (SAGs), as well as from the newly-constituted Science Interest Group (SIG) entitled "Toward a Near-Term Exoplanet Community Plan.
In addition to the primary ExoPAG meeting, there will be a joint COPAG/ExoPAG meeting on June 5 2014, at the same venue as the 224th AAS meeting in Boston. The schedule can be found here. Note you are formally required to register for the AAS meeting in order to attend this meeting.
Questions and suggestions can be sent to