
Acknowledgement Policy
The ExoExplorers program organizers ask that, if you feel your work has benefited from participation in this program (e.g., from discussions with your peers, from meetings with ExoGuides/professional development speakers), that you please cite this program in manuscript acknowledgements. These acknowledgements help us track the impact of the program, helping us to justify continued funding for future cohorts. Here is the language we ask that you use:
“This work benefited from involvement in ExoExplorers, which is sponsored by the Exoplanets Program Analysis Group (ExoPAG) and NASA’s Exoplanet Exploration Program Office (ExEP).”
We ask that you keep the bolded portion verbatim, but feel free to change the preamble to whatever phrasing you feel is most appropriate. If individual discussions or contributions rose to a significant level, you might also consider acknowledging them individually.