Southern RV Observing Opportunities
NASA funds opportunities for US observers on the following southern-hemisphere facilities:
CHIRON on the SMARTS 1.5m telescope located at the Cerro-Tololo Observatory is a fiber-fed high resolution spectrometer capable of radial velocity precisions of a few meters per second. Through the NOIRLab partnership in the SMARTS consortium, NASA has made available time for exoplanet confirmation and characterization - especially for TESS planetary candidates. Guest observing opportunities.
Minerva-Australis is an array of 0.7m telescopes all feeding a single precision spectrograph. The facility is located at Mt. Kent Mt. Kent and is able reach radial velocity precisions of a few meters per second. Through the NN-Explore partnership, NASA has made available time for exoplanet confirmation and characterization - especially for TESS planetary candidates. Guest observing opportunities.