
January 10, 2022 - January 12, 2022


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JANUARY 10, 2022

Session 1 (Chair: Ilaria Pascucci) Speaker Time (EST) Duration
(Video | Transcript)
Michael Meyer 12:00 PM 0:10
ExEP Program Overview
(Video | Transcript)
Gary Blackwood 12:10 PM 0:15
ExoExplorers Introduction
(Video | Transcript)
Tiffany Kataria 12:25 PM 0:15
(Video | Transcript)
John Callas 12:40 PM 0:15
NExScI Update
(Video | Transcript)
David Ciardi 12:55 PM 0:15
“Foiled” by Flares: HST/COS observations of AU Mic Highlights Young Stellar Activity
(Video | Transcript)
Adina Feinstein 1:10 PM 0:15
JWST Exoplanet Science Update
(Video | Transcript)
Knicole Colon 1:25 PM 0:20
BREAK (15 min) 1:45 PM 0:15
Session 2 (Chair: Ofer Cohen) Speaker Time (EST) Duration
The K Dwarf Advantage: The Ultraviolet Imperative for Assessing the Habitability of Planets
(Video | Transcript)
Tyler Richey-Yowell 2:00 PM 0:15
Roman Update
(Video | Transcript)
Vanessa Bailey 2:15 PM 0:20
High contrast polarimetric imaging as a complement for total intensity circumstellar disk imaging
(Video | Transcript)
Kellen Lawson 2:35 PM 0:15
SAG 21: The Effect of Stellar Contamination on Space-based Transmission Spectroscopy
(Video | Transcript)
Nestor Espinoza & Ben Rackham 2:50 PM 0:20
BREAK (15 min) 3:10 PM 0:15
Session 3 (Chair: Michael Meyer) Speaker Time (EST) Duration
Citizen Science
(Video | Transcript)
Marc Kuchner 3:25 PM 0:20
pterodactyls: A Uniform Search for Young Transiting Planets in TESS Primary Mission FFIs
(Video | Transcript)
Rachel Fernandes 3:45 PM 0:15
SIG2: Exoplanet Demographics
(Video | Transcript)
Jessie Christiansen 4:00 PM 0:20
A SAG Proposal on ExoZodiacal Disks
(Video | Transcript)
John Debes 4:20 PM 0:20
Adjourn 4:40 PM

JANUARY 11, 2022

Astro 2020 Discussion (Chair: Michael Meyer) Speaker Time (EST) Duration
Overview of Astro2020 from an Exoplanet Perspective
(Video | Transcript)
Keivan Stassun & Bruce Macintosh 1:00 PM 0:20
Discussion Moderated by ExoPAG EC
(Video | Transcript)
Josh Pepper, Michael Bottom, Ofer Cohen, Knicole Colon 1:20 PM 1:10
NASA Astrophysics Townhall
Meeting Details
Speaker Time (EST) Duration
Update on NASA Astrophysics Paul Hertz - Director of NASA Astrophysics Division 2:45 PM 1:30

JANUARY 12, 2022

Session 4 (Chair: Knicole Colon) Speaker Time (EST) Duration
ExEP NASA Headquarters Overview Hannah Jang-Condell 12:00 PM 0:30
ExEP Science & Gap List Update
(Video | Transcript)
Karl Stapelfeldt 12:30 PM 0:20
ExEP Technology Update
(Video | Transcript)
Brendan Crill 12:50 PM 0:30
BREAK (5 min) 1:20 PM 0:05
Session 5 (Chair: Michael Meyer) Speaker Time (EST) Duration
TESS Update
(Video | Transcript)
George Ricker / Michelle Kunimoto 1:25 PM 0:30
ExoPAG Business Meeting - New SAGS/SIGS
- Discussion of Findings to bring to APD
- Review of progress on actions/proposal of new suggestions
- matters arising
(Video | Transcript)
All 1:55 PM 0:50
Adjourn (end of ExoPAG 25) 2:45 PM

About the Meeting

NASA's Exoplanet Exploration Program Analysis Group (ExoPAG) will hold its twenty fifth meeting January 10th through the 12th, 2022. ​The agenda will include discussion of the Astro 2020 Decadal Report, programmatic updates of relevance for the ExoPAG community, science updates and descriptions of exciting new capabilities, updates from SIGs and SAGs, as well as our regular business meeting.

The NASA Astrophysics Townhall featuring a keynote presentation from NASA Astrophysics Divsion Director, Paul Hertz, is scheduled for Tuesday, January 11th, 2022 2:45pm-4:15pm ET (11:45am-1:15pm PT)

ExoPAG meetings offer an opportunity to participate in discussions of scientific and technical issues in exoplanet exploration, and a forum for community input on the prioritization of activities in NASA's Exoplanet Exploration Program (ExEP). All interested members of the space science community are invited to attend and participate. Suggestions for topics and/or speakers at the meeting along these lines are welcome.

Conference Registration

The ExoPAG will be a stand alone virtual meeting, paid registration will not be required.
Thank you to those that registered for the ExoPAG meeting on this site, it is no longer necessary to submit new or changed registration for the new meeting dates.

Remote Access

Monday January 10, 2022

Tuesday January 11, 2022

Wednesday January 12, 2022

Community Feedback

Members can propose ideas for future ExoPAG findings via this google form. (See description of past findings.)

Community members may also propose suggestions for the ExoPAG that will be dispositioned by the EC and can subsequently be discussed by the full ExoPAG.

Early Career Scientists Talk Guidelines

The speaker application is closed.

APPLICATION DEADLINE: November 5, 2021 8:00pm ET/ 5:00pm PT