Interactive Detection Plot | Interactive Characterization Plot

Dynamic Detection and Characterization Plots

Interactive Detection Plot for HabEx 4H Hybrid, metric C1

Interactive Detection Plot Widget

Detection QOI for Plot Shading:

Interactive Characterization Plot Widget

Characterization QOI for Plot Shading:

Detection Plot Field Names/Descriptions

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Identifying Tag
(not for display)
Name Unit Description
h_star_det_visit_mean Detection Visits count Mean number of total visits to a star by the detector, including repeat visits.
h_star_det_comp_mean Mean Completeness (Det.) count Mean completeness of the star from the detection observation system.
h_star_det_tInt_mean Mean Integration Time (Det.) day Mean integration time for all detection observations at the star.
h_star_det_tobs1_mean First Observation Time (Det.) day Mission day of the first detection observation at that star, averaged over the ensemble.
h_star_det_plan_cume_mean Mean Total Detections count Mean number of successful detections at that star. Multiple successful detections of a single planet count, as do multiple planets detected at a star.
h_star_det_plan_uniq_mean Mean Unique Detections count Mean number of successful detections at that star. Only the first detection counts, but multiple planets detected count separately.
h_star_det_earth_cume_mean Mean Total Detections Earths count Mean number of successful detections of exo-earths at that star. Multiple successful detections of a single planet count, as do multiple exo-earths detected at a single star.
h_star_det_earth_uniq_mean Mean Unique Detections Earths count Mean number of successful detections of exo-earths at that star. Only the first detection counts, but multiple planets detected count separately.
h_star_det_plan_value_mean Detection Rank count/day Mean “rank” of the star as a detection target, where rank is the total number of detections divided by the total integration time used on that target.
h_star_det_plan_frac_mean Planets Detected/Planets Present count/count Mean success fraction for detections at that target, where success fraction is the number of planets detected divided by the number of planets present.
h_star_det_earth_value_mean Earth Detection Rank count/day Mean “rank” of the star as a detection target, where rank is the total number of exo-earth detections divided by the total integration time used on that target.
h_star_det_earth_frac_mean Earths Detected/Earths Present count/count Mean success fraction for exo-earth detections at that target, where success fraction is the number of exo-earths detected divided by the number of exo-earths present.
h_star_plan_per_star_mean Planets per Star count Mean occurrence rate of planets: the average number of planets present at that star.
h_star_earth_per_star_mean Earths per Star count Mean occurrence rate of exo-earths: the average number of exo-earths present at that star (eta).

Characterization Plot Field Names/Descriptions

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Identifying Tag
(not for display)
Name Unit Description
h_star_char_visit_mean Characterization Visits count Mean number of total visits to a star by the characterization system, including repeat visits.
h_star_char_comp_mean Mean Completeness (Char.) count Mean completeness of the star from the characterization observation system.
h_star_char_tInt_mean Mean Integration Time (Char.) day Mean integration time for all characterization observations at the star.
h_star_char_tobs1_mean First Observation Time (Char.) day Mission day of the first characterization observation at that star, averaged over the ensemble.
h_star_char_plan_cume_mean Mean Total Characterizations count Mean number of successful characterizations at that star. Multiple successful characterizations of a single planet count, as do multiple planets characterized at a star.
h_star_char_plan_uniq_mean Mean Unique Characterizations count Mean number of successful characterizations at that star. Only the first characterization counts, but multiple planets characterized count separately.
h_star_char_earth_cume_mean Mean Total Characterizations Earths count Mean number of successful characterizations of exo-earths at that star. Multiple successful characterizations of a single exo-earth count, as do multiple planets characterized at a star.
h_star_char_earth_uniq_mean Mean Unique Characterizations Earths count Mean number of successful characterizations of exo-earths at that star. Only the first characterization counts, but multiple exo-earths characterized count separately.
h_star_char_plan_value_mean Characterization Rank count/day Mean “rank” of the star as a characterization target, where rank is the total number of characterizations divided by the total integration time used on that target.
h_star_char_plan_frac_mean Planets Characterized/Planets Present count/count Mean success fraction for characterizations at that target, where success fraction is the number of planets characterized divided by the number of planets present.
h_star_char_earth_value_mean Earth Characterization Rank count/day Mean “rank” of the star as a characterization target, where rank is the total number of exo-earth characterizations divided by the total integration time used on that target.
h_star_char_earth_frac_mean Earths Characterized/Earths Present count/count Mean success fraction for exo-earth characterizations at that target, where success fraction is the number of exo-earths characterized divided by the number of exo-earths present.
h_star_plan_per_star_mean Planets per Star count Mean occurrence rate of planets: the average number of planets present at that star.
h_star_earth_per_star_mean Earths per Star count Mean occurrence rate of exo-earths: the average number of exo-earths present at that star (eta).
h_star_promo_allplan_mean Promotion Rate count Mean number of times this star was promoted to be a characterization target.
h_star_promo_hzone_mean Promotion Rate Stars with HZ Planets count Mean number of times this star had a habitable zone planet, and was promoted to be a characterization target.
h_star_promo_earth_mean Promotion Rate Stars with Earths count Mean number of times this star had an exo-earth, and was promoted to be a characterization target.