
Rachel Akeson, California Institute of Technology, Deputy Director, NASA Exoplanet Science Institute

The NASA Exoplanet Archive, launched in 2011, is an online astronomical exoplanet and stellar catalog and data service that collates and cross-correlates data on exoplanets and their host stars. The archive also provides tools to work with these data, such as interactive tables containing data that can be filtered, downloaded and exported, a tool for periodogram calculations, a Kepler light curve viewer, and a service that predicts exoplanet transit times.

2016 was one of the archive's busiest, with an increasing number of planet discoveries, new data from Kepler, K2, the Kilodegree Extremely Little Telescope (KELT) survey and other projects, and the release of new tools and user-requested features. In one year alone we added 1,521 newly confirmed planets and their stellar and planetary parameters from the published literature, including 1,284 Kepler exoplanets validated in Morton et al. 2016, as well as Proxima Centauri b and other planets that made the news. As of February 2017, the total number of exoplanets in the archive more than 3,440. The archive also added a new table of emission spectroscopy data, similar to the existing transmission spectroscopy table.

In support of Kepler and K2 we served numerous quarters of light curves, pipeline data products, including the planet candidates and the completeness and reliability products, and documentation. Our K2 offerings expanded with the launch of a K2 Candidates table and the Exoplanet Follow-up Program (ExoFOP) for K2 Campaign 9, which directly supports the microlensing community.

We also worked with the KELT project team to prepare and serve light curves for four new fields (N06, N08, N10 & N12) and reprocessed light curves for two (N02 & N04), which are accessible from a search tool.

Finally, in response our users, we enabled our interactive data tables to save user preferences such as sorting, filtering, and column selection and placement for future visits. This feature enables astronomers to create custom views for tracking and retrieving astronomical data that is most relevant to them.

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